It’s amazing how having gratitude can make a difference in your life. It is said that being grateful for what you have invites in more of what you want. After what I have experienced this last week I really believe this to be true.
I have been living in a whirl wind of abundance since I started my evening gratitudes. Simply being thankful for what I have experienced that day or what I have in my life at that point in time has opened amazing doors for me these past 12 months. You don’t realise how such a small gesture can have such a big impact until you stop doing it and notice the repercussions.
You see I have been so caught up with Ruby’s birthday celebrations, my ex’s ex and her daughter (aka Ruby’s half sister) staying with us and all the emotion attached to their visit. Usually as soon as my head hits the pillow I do my gratitudes but during the time of their visit I have been so physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted that I have just crashed. And here’s the downside….
During my abundance streak, my dream bed was listed on ebay for an amazing price. What is even more amazing is that it’s an imported bed from USA so the fact that it was even in Australia was awesome. I bought it a few days ago (in my period of non gratitude!) after getting removalists quotes for its interstate relocation. However within hours of buying it the seller cancelled the order with no communication or explanation. So I hunted him down only to find out he has changed his mind. Here’s the dream bed that still to this day remains a dream 🙁
In my gratitude days, an amazing photographer appeared in my life and I had organised a big photo shoot for this coming week. It’s for photos for my website and business promotion. I have been putting this off for so very long now because I have not felt confident with my appearance…in particular my weight. However with my recent weight loss I booked it in to get done. In the last couple of days (in my non gratitude period!) I have now gotten a bad head cold…what great timing!!
Tonight when I lay me down to sleep I am going to find the gratitude for not getting the bed and instead getting a head cold. Plus I think I might be doubly grateful for everything in my life just to make up for those lost times!
Have fun,