Today I farewelled a friend. My friend, affectionately known as ‘E’ to many, passed away suddenly last week after a very brief illness. I have faced death before. I have lost loved ones – family dear to my heart. But I have never lost a friend before.
When I heard of E’s passing I was shocked. It seemed like it was only a few months ago that I was sitting in her house, introducing Ruby to her for the first time and having a chat over a cuppa. But then when I really thought about it, I wondered if it was actually longer than a few months ago. With Facebook so prevalent in our lives now, it feels like you can keep up with everything going on in everyone’s lives and yet not actually see or speak to them for many months. Had I been so wrapped up in what was going on in my day to day life, so busy being busy that I hadn’t seen my friend for many months?
My friend E was one of my biggest fans. There was never a blog post that I didn’t write that she didn’t read. There was never a status or photo I posted on Facebook that she didn’t like or comment on. That’s the funny thing with the blogging world, you don’t know who (if anyone!) is at the other end actually reading it. In my case I always knew it was at least E and my mum (my other biggest fan!).
The passing of my friend has been a huge wake up call for me. A reminder that we need to make time for what is important in our lives. Our work will always be there. There will always be a house to clean, bills to pay, meals to cook. But our friends and family will not always be there. And don’t most of us have grand goals about wanting to spend more quality time with these peeps? How hard is it for us to pick up a phone once a week and call someone? Then rather than saying “let’s meet up soon”, actually making a date so that it really does happen.
My dear friend E, you were the pillar of your beautiful family. An amazing, classy, sassy woman who was well regarded by many…proof of that we saw today with standing room only as so many came to celebrate your life. We are blessed to have had you in our lives. You might not be reading my posts any more but this one is dedicated to you.
Until we meet again…