It’s already March – where has the year gone so far?!? Crazy to think in a few months we will be mid year. We’ve been busy as always with Ruby back at school and me head down focusing on my work while she is there. It seems strange with her being back at school again after such a long period of homeschooling last year.

So what else have we been up to? Well I thought I might share some of our favourite things right now:

The Gilded Age – I love period dramas having recently finished Belgravia, I was more than ready for a new one. Creator of Belgravia and Downton Abbey, Julian Fellowes has once again struck gold with The Gilded Age. It’s a fun look at life in the late 1800’s in New York.

The Gilded Age | Official Website for the HBO Series |

Organising every area of my life – I’m a Virgo so it is only natural for me to want to have a perfectly organised life. I’ve been watching way too many Instragam videos of people organsing their house so I went on a cleaning frenzy this week and redid a few of my cupboards. I found these neat little perspex drawers at Kmart and have organsed my gift wrapping supplies. I’m now saving fridge and freezer goal photos as that is my next transformational space.

Modular Drawer Organiser Large - Kmart

Smith’s Double Crunch chips – I am just making my way through a packet as I type. Boy these are addictive! I’ve only tried the BBQ ribs flavour so far but I am in love.

Smith's Double Crunch Ultimate BBQ Ribs Potato Chips 150g on special

Wordle – My name is Michelle and I am addicted to Wordle. There I have admitted it, I can not survive without my daily Wordle. If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know what it is, it’s a daily puzzle where you have to figure out what is the 5 letter word of the day in less than 6 attempts.

Is Wordle getting harder? Viral game tests players after New York Times takeover | New York Times | The Guardian

Long walks outdoors – We moved about a year ago and, I have to say, we are really loving being close to the water. It’s so nice to just walk out the door and be by the water without having to get in a car and drive somewhere. We have a regular walk we take where we can see all the boats and watch the sunset. We have said we will watch the sunrise one day but lately we haven’t been morning people so that might have to wait a bit!

What are you watching, doing, eating or playing at the moment?

Have fun!

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