Manifesting a dream
Here’s a little fact that not a lot of people know about me. I don’t mind a spot of cross stitching. There I have admitted it. Hello I am Michelle and I am a closet cross stitcher.
Although it has been a long time since I have picked up a needle and piece of aida cloth (give or take 20 years!), I have fond memories and quite a few works…some finished others not. No prize for guessing what the most favourite thing to cross stitch was…yes, it was houses! Honestly I must eat, sleep and breath houses!!
I remember I would sit in front of the tv and cross stitch at the same time. By the end of the night I couldn’t see either because I was looking both long sighted and short sighted and I just couldn’t refocus fast enough.
One of the very first pieces (and my absolute favourite) I did was of an American style house. I was so chuffed with it that I framed it and entered it into the regional show where I was living at the time.
Last week I had this thought pop into my head to dig them out of my storage. I had this idea that I could finish the other 3 off that complimented this one. I took a photo of them and messaged my friend who is amazing with interiors asking if it was daggy to have these displayed in my dream home. She said nanna stuff was a good fit for the style I was going with.
So as I was taking another look at it, suddenly it occurred to me that the image that I had cross stitched all those years ago was in fact the image I had in my head for my new house. It was the same house in the visualization I had of my future self. Plus when I look at the sketch of the house floor plan I have drawn, it is eerie how similar they are….the only difference is I wasn’t planning a 3rd story but was going to make the roof cavity suitable in case it was something that Ruby might want to do in the future when she lives there with her family.
Did I subconsciously remember this house? Or had I manifested a dream from all those years ago? Or perhaps my style has never really changed and this was what I have always wanted.
Have you ever manifested a dream?
Have fun!