No this isn’t a post about how much weight I have put on lately…there could be a whole another post on that one! It’s not showcasing my average sewing skills either. No this post is about how excited I am with what is ahead of me right now.

And there is sooooo much ahead of me. There is soooo much I want to do that I am freaking out a bit and getting slightly overwhelmed.

I was listening to an interview with Marie Forleo today and she said something that really struck a cord for me. It’s something I have been experiencing but I just couldn’t figure out how to express it but she said it perfectly. Marie said “you love this moment but you’re also super pumped about where you are going. It’s not like you lose sight of your dreams. It’s not like you lose your ambition but you strike this interesting balance of being fully here and now and fully excited about where you are going”.

That’s exactly how I feel right now. I am so loving where I am right now. I feel like I am exactly where I have designed myself to be. It’s not where I want to be long term but, to use my friend Daniel’s term, I am loving the now. But at the same time I am very excited about what’s coming my way.

There’s my business that I have been threatening promising to launch for months. It’s so close to being ready. The website is finally finished and after a few tweaks it will be launched! I’ve been chatting to peeps and the market is HOT for what I will be offering so I am super excited about it. For the first time in my life I feel extremely confident with a business idea and really seeing that this is going to be successful.

Our new home is still a work in progress. I am still messing around with the plans in my head, changing things up so that the house functions for us and our needs both short term and longer term. Once I get a bit clearer on that I will engage the services of an drafts-person to help me get it on paper. I’ve collected so many images for inspiration from magazines and Pinterest that I am just overwhelmed right now. I have set the intention that this time next year I will start the building process…there’s sooo much to do between now and then though!!

Then there is the personal development work I want to do. I love working on me and learning how I can be a better person. I keep finding books and courses that I just want to devour.

I want to work on “my stuff” 24 x 7 at the moment….that’s how pumped I am about it all. But I realise there is this amazingly wonderful distraction in my life called a child who needs me to be a functioning mother, not a dead zombie with no sleep because she has been up all night working on the stuff she loves working on.

Speaking of sleep, off to bed I go!

Have fun!

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