Wow! That is where I am going to start. It has certainly been a whirlwind of a year and just a wee bit since we last caught up with you. To start at the end – we bought a house and are now living in Tamworth as a family of 3 and not 2.
Ok, now to backtrack and fill you in on the juicy goss….
We we’re living in our beautiful rental apartment in Gosford, exploring where in the world we would like to live. Every time we visited a possible location, we would rank it and it seemed like Tamworth kept coming out in the number one spot. So, we were pretty certain it was going to be our new home and we were looking for a few acres that we could build our dream house on. The timeline I was working to looked like it would work out with Ruby starting high school.
Next minute, the landlord decides to sell our apartment. You know me and my woo woo thinking, I took this as a sign. Coupled with the fact that I was not keen on the idea of having to pack up and move to another rental to then have to pack up and move when our new home was ready, so I started looking online for what established houses were for sale in Tamworth. My heart skipped a beat when I saw this original late 70’s house full of potential. So, we took a road trip, saw the house in real life and made an offer which was accepted!

Once the house settled and we got the keys, we moved straight in and started renovating immediately. I’m going to share with you over the next few weeks exactly what we have been doing on the house these last 5 months and I can tell you that the transformation has been amazing. No longer an ugly duckling but a beautiful swan is emerging, and I am feeling really proud of myself. My body might be broken but the place is really looking awesome.
A new town meant a new school for Ruby. She is really thriving in her new school, made some lovely friends and is a totally different person. I’m so proud of what she has achieved.
Now you are probably wondering who this third person is that has joined our family. You know how heartbroken I was after we sent Roxy to the rainbow. It has taken me a long time to come to grips with the gap she left in our lives. Ruby has asked time and time again if we could one day have another pup to join our family and I kept telling her when we got our own place we would. Well, it finally was that time. We were on the list for another gorgeous rottweiler from our previous breeder, but I felt Ruby needed a pup in her life that she could take for a walk and manage far better than a 47kg rottweiler. We were applying for rescue dogs and kept missing out and that is when we found this little angel – meet Kelsey the cavoodle:
I can’t tell you how much I had forgotten about puppy life. She really keeps us on our toes. But she is such a sweety and is completely obsessed with me…did I mention she is Ruby’s dog?!?
So that brings you up to speed as to where we are and what we have been up to. Total plot twist to be honest but the best decision we have made. Stay tuned to hear more about our DIY adventures!
Have fun!