Missing in action
Yes I have been missing in action and by action I mean A LOT of activity going on.
My company Start Up Mum is so close to being launched that it’s not funny. I’ve spent the last few weeks in meetings with legal peeps sorting all that boring stuff out as well as taking steps to get the pilot for our first local chapter underway. In the meantime there’s the website that needs to be finished, promotion to do…if only I could clone myself! I’ve never been more excited though so it definitely doesn’t feel like work or a chore.
Remember those lifestyle changes I told you I have been making? Well they are paying off because I am down 4.8kg so far and only 2kgs away from hitting my midway goal and then it’s another 6kg from there. A few months ago I bought my goal outfit…some little strapless shorts playsuit that no 42 year old should be wearing in public but hey I had a dream. Well yesterday I managed to get into it and zip it up. I couldn’t breathe and had ridiculous camel toe BUT I fitted into it. Yeah for me!!
In even more exciting news, little Ruby turned the big 2 yesterday and we are in full planning mode for her “In the Night Garden” party being held on the weekend. Not to mention preparing for our interstate visitors we have coming to stay for a few days.
I’m going to get all “Bold and the Beautiful” with you for a second and give you the low down on just who those visitors are. My ex had a daughter from a previous relationship and over the years I spent a fair amount of time with her and watched her grow up. I have always been on good terms with her mother and it was actually her that pulled me aside one day while I was pregnant and spoke of the abuse she had received while in the relationship with my ex. I was too proud and maybe naive about what was happening with my ex to suggest that I was going through the same thing. So when I did make the decision to leave him, it was her that I turned to for support. And we have continued to be there for each other which is why I thought it would be nice for them to come to Ruby’s party and spend some time with us. After all, the girls are sisters and I would like them to always know that. So although people might think its a bit odd that my ex’s ex is coming to hang out with me for a few days, it’s actually kinda cool that we can do that.
So there you have it, an update on where we are at right now. I promise to post a gazillion photos of Ruby’s party and our trip to the zoo next week so watch this space. Until then…
Have fun,